
  • NEW PROJECT – Catholic Liturgical Date Checker

    The Liturgical Date Checker project uses the Liturgical Calendar API to display information about Catholic Holy days. On page load it fetches info for today, tomorrow, and yesterday. It also has a search field that will return celebration info about a specific date. Objective This is just more basic API practice. I started this in […]

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  • NEW PROJECT – Logo Finder

    As part of my React API practice, I built a dirt simple Logo Finder using Clearbit’s Logo API. Simply enter a web domain, and the app will retrieve a logo image. Objective This is the third in a series of simple API fetching apps that I’ve built so far this year after the Public API’s […]

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  • NEW PROJECT – Open Library Search

    Added another API fetching project, Open Library Search. The app pings the Internet Archive‘s Open Library Search API to retrieve author, publication, purchase, and topic data for a user-provided book title. Objective My goal is to continue cranking out simple fetch projects until I can do them without relying on a crutch. I used my […]

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  • UPDATE – Public APIs List Functionality

    There are several new enhancements to the Public APIs List project. Hide CORS APIs I added a checkbox at the top that will filter out any APIs that require CORS headers in order to fetch them. It was the first additional feature that came to mind as I was evaluating the available keys in the […]

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  • UPDATE – Revised Web Cave Code Styles

    I updated the style for <code> elements in the Web Cave Theme so that they pop a bit more. Enhanced Readability It was too hard to distinguish code blocks from regular text before. They were just white text on black like the rest of the post content. Now they have the strawberry color scheme that […]

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  • NEW REACT PROJECT – Public APIs List

    I built a simple app called Public APIs List that prints a list of all the free APIs available through public-api. Objective I want to get more comfortable with the JavaScript fetch API. I needed inspiration for another project to work on and figured I’d start by looking at big lists of free APIs that […]

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  • UPDATE – Web Cave Theme ADA and Style

    I decided to run through the Web Cave theme files and spruce a few things up. ADA Compliance Improvements I realized the images in the project posts and grid loop were missing alt text. They’re using WordPress’s the_post_thumbnail() function to render, which should cover the programmatic end. I just hadn’t added any alt text to […]

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  • NEW REACT PROJECT – Obligatory To-Do App

    The Obligatory To-Do App is a simple React project that I whipped up to test out Vite. Objectives The most popular React scaffold, create-react-app, is no longer being maintained, so work needed to find an alternative for spinning up smaller SEO-agnostic React builds. The to-do app is one of the most basic coding projects so […]

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  • NEW NEXT.JS PROJECT – Game Picker Next

    I re-built my Game Picker 9000 project in Next.js 13. The new routing system is very appealing, but as of right now the deployment documentation leaves something to be desired. Will need to investigate that further if I’m going to dip into headless WordPress. Features: Split original markup into components Converted vanilla JavaScript listeners to […]

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  • HTML & CSS: Design and Build Websites by Jon Duckett

    I recently purchased a stack of development books on a range of topics, so this will be the first in a series of reviews. Jon Duckett has a 3-volume series on web development from the basics of HTML and CSS to Javascript & jQuery to PHP and MySQL.  They were all well-reviewed so I picked […]

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