• UPDATE – Revised Web Cave Code Styles

    I updated the style for <code> elements in the Web Cave Theme so that they pop a bit more. Enhanced Readability It was too hard to distinguish code blocks from regular text before. They were just white text on black like the rest of the post content. Now they have the strawberry color scheme that […]

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  • UPDATE – Web Cave Theme ADA and Style

    I decided to run through the Web Cave theme files and spruce a few things up. ADA Compliance Improvements I realized the images in the project posts and grid loop were missing alt text. They’re using WordPress’s the_post_thumbnail() function to render, which should cover the programmatic end. I just hadn’t added any alt text to […]

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  • UPDATE – Simple Responsive Portfolio – Fit and Finish

    It’s been a while since I updated my personal portfolio, so I figured I’d update the project version too. The aim was to get the code cleaner and more maintainable, and to do a fresh round of auditing for google and accessibility. I also made some aesthetic changes to create some variation in the design […]

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  • React Lightbox Gallery

    The React Lightbox Gallery is a simple lightbox app for displaying multiple images. It’s my first foray into the React JavaScript framework. React Lightbox Gallery Concept I needed to come up with a fun PowerPoint presentation for happy hour at work but decided to build an app instead. I’d recently built a marketing tool for […]

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  • UPDATE – CSS Spinners and Loaders

    I added some new CSS spinners and other loading effects to the CSS Animation Archive. I felt the loaders section in general could use a bit more fleshing out. Spinning loaders are an obligatory CSS effect so I had to throw a couple in there. CSS Spinners I added two spinners. The first is the […]

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  • UPDATE – Halloween CSS Effects

    Say hello to “Shiver”, a Halloween CSS effect that is definitely not ripped from a popular cult cinema streaming service. I added it to the the CSS Animation Archive project in the spirit of the season. Simple Halloween CSS Boyfriend and I have been pounding Giallo films on Shudder for the past two weeks, and […]

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  • UPDATE – Linear Gradient Animation

    I’ve added a linear gradient to the rainbow animation in the CSS Animation Archive. The previous rendition was too plain. By happenstance, I came across this video by Kevin Powell, and it inspired the revision. The gradient pattern looks swankier than the plain text color fade, but it comes with a problem. Linear Gradient Won’t […]

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  • PROJECT UPDATE – CSS Animation Archive

    The CSS Animation Archive has been updated with more css animations, a mobile fix, and a new section for animated loaders. The most notable new addition is Neon. There are a million tutorials out there for this kind of effect. In static form it’s just a bunch of layered text-shadow properties, but I spiced it […]

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  • WordPress Custom Theme

    A de-branded version of this site’s WordPress custom theme is now available on GitHub. You too can be a late 90s edgelord with the Web Cave theme! WordPress Custom Theme Features The Web Cave theme features standard post, page, and comment functionality with custom navigation. In addition, I added a projects post type that emphasizes […]

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  • CSS Animation Archive

    The CSS Animation Archive consists of CSS-only animations that I’ve used in my work. Some of them are modified from tutorials, and some are completely unique. Currently available sections include fancy looping effects and some simple rollovers. I’ve applied them to buttons for demonstration purposes, but they can be transferred to any kind of element. […]

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