Tag: JavaScript

  • NEW PROJECT – Catholic Liturgical Date Checker

    The Liturgical Date Checker project uses the Liturgical Calendar API to display information about Catholic Holy days. On page load it fetches info for today, tomorrow, and yesterday. It also has a search field that will return celebration info about a specific date. Objective This is just more basic API practice. I started this in […]

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  • Liturgical Date Checker

    A simple tool for checking Holy days. Uses the Liturgical Calendar API Installation Clone the repository git clone https://github.com/K8215/catholic-liturgical-date-checker.git Navigate to the project directory cd catholic-liturgical-date-checker Install dependencies npm install Usage Run the development server npm run dev Known Bugs This project does not work on the server due to content mixed content error. The […]

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  • Logo Finder

    App that retrieves a logo image from a web domain using the Logo API by Clearbit. Installation Clone the repository git clone https://github.com/K8215/logo-finder.git Navigate to the project directory cd logo-finder Install dependencies npm install Usage Run the development server npm run dev Updates 3/7/2024 – Added enter key functionality.

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  • NEW PROJECT – Open Library Search

    Added another API fetching project, Open Library Search. The app pings the Internet Archive‘s Open Library Search API to retrieve author, publication, purchase, and topic data for a user-provided book title. Objective My goal is to continue cranking out simple fetch projects until I can do them without relying on a crutch. I used my […]

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  • NEW REACT PROJECT – Obligatory To-Do App

    The Obligatory To-Do App is a simple React project that I whipped up to test out Vite. Objectives The most popular React scaffold, create-react-app, is no longer being maintained, so work needed to find an alternative for spinning up smaller SEO-agnostic React builds. The to-do app is one of the most basic coding projects so […]

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  • Obligatory To-Do App

    The Obligatory To-Do App is exactly what it is. It’s a foundational project for testing new languages and frameworks. This one uses local browser storage only. Installation Run: npm install Then: npm run dev Usage Type a thing to do in the text area, then click the Add Item button to place the item in […]

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  • NEW NEXT.JS PROJECT – Game Picker Next

    I re-built my Game Picker 9000 project in Next.js 13. The new routing system is very appealing, but as of right now the deployment documentation leaves something to be desired. Will need to investigate that further if I’m going to dip into headless WordPress. Features: Split original markup into components Converted vanilla JavaScript listeners to […]

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  • Game Picker Next

    The Game Picker Next is a re-build of my original Game Picker 9000, this time using Next.js. With create-react-app being depreciated, I made the recommended switch to create-next-app, and jumped right into the new app router that was just added in Next.js 13. Usage Just like the Game Picker 9000, Game Picker Next takes in […]

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  • NEW REACT PROJECT – Responsive React Portfolio

    I re-built my Responsive Web Portfolio project in react for practice. It went pretty smoothly and provided a good opportunity to practice some essential react concepts. React Features Employed: Split project out into nested components Converted vanilla JS event listeners to state Used effect hook to listen for user scrolling action Discovered react-router-hash-link package that […]

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  • Responsive React Portfolio

    This is a re-branded copy of my Responsive Web Portfolio project built in React. I thought it would make good practice just to take a simple web page I was already familiar with and convert it. Turned out to be a perfect introductory-scale project. Routing and React Router Hash Link Even though there’s only one […]

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