• NEW PROJECT – Open Library Search

    Added another API fetching project, Open Library Search. The app pings the Internet Archive‘s Open Library Search API to retrieve author, publication, purchase, and topic data for a user-provided book title. Objective My goal is to continue cranking out simple fetch projects until I can do them without relying on a crutch. I used my […]

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  • Open Library Search

    Application that takes user input and pings the Open Library Search API to return information about books. Installation Clone the repository git clone https://github.com/K8215/open-library-search.git Navigate to the project directory cd open-library-search Install dependencies npm install Usage Run the development server npm run dev Known Bugs I’m conditionally applying a link to each result depending on […]

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  • UPDATE – Public APIs List Functionality

    There are several new enhancements to the Public APIs List project. Hide CORS APIs I added a checkbox at the top that will filter out any APIs that require CORS headers in order to fetch them. It was the first additional feature that came to mind as I was evaluating the available keys in the […]

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  • NEW REACT PROJECT – Public APIs List

    I built a simple app called Public APIs List that prints a list of all the free APIs available through public-api. Objective I want to get more comfortable with the JavaScript fetch API. I needed inspiration for another project to work on and figured I’d start by looking at big lists of free APIs that […]

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  • Public APIs List

    A dead-simple React app that fetches a list of free APIs from public-api. Installation Clone the repository git clone https://github.com/K8215/publicapis-list.git Navigate to the project directory cd publicapis-list Install dependencies npm install Usage The app can be used to view a full list of available API titles in a responsive four-column layout. Updates 2/15/24 Added checkbox […]

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  • NEW REACT PROJECT – Lightbox Gallery

    I added a React Lightbox Gallery to the projects archive. It is my first attempt at an independent React project. Lightbox Gallery Features Landing page with welcome text. Presentation page with image gallery and categorized navigation. Images expand to a detail view when clicked. The initial setup for this React project is minimally featured due to a […]

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  • React Lightbox Gallery

    The React Lightbox Gallery is a simple lightbox app for displaying multiple images. It’s my first foray into the React JavaScript framework. React Lightbox Gallery Concept I needed to come up with a fun PowerPoint presentation for happy hour at work but decided to build an app instead. I’d recently built a marketing tool for […]

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  • UPDATE – Game Picker UX Enhancement

    I’ve furthered the UX enhancement to the Game Picker 9000. First I centered the loader and positioned it below the title output container. Previously it was jammed on top with no padding. If you searched more than once, the loader popped in awkwardly. The new alignment is more pleasing. I also added the player’s username […]

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  • Game Picker 9000

    The Game Picker 9000 is a Node.js app with Express that queries the Steam Web API. It was designed to solve two problems: It’s hard to pick a new game to play when your backlog is over 100 games deep. I don’t get to do a lot of server-side fetching and routing in my day […]

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