
  • NEW REACT PROJECT – Responsive React Portfolio

    I re-built my Responsive Web Portfolio project in react for practice. It went pretty smoothly and provided a good opportunity to practice some essential react concepts. React Features Employed: Split project out into nested components Converted vanilla JS event listeners to state Used effect hook to listen for user scrolling action Discovered react-router-hash-link package that […]

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  • UPDATE – Simple Responsive Portfolio – Fit and Finish

    It’s been a while since I updated my personal portfolio, so I figured I’d update the project version too. The aim was to get the code cleaner and more maintainable, and to do a fresh round of auditing for google and accessibility. I also made some aesthetic changes to create some variation in the design […]

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  • NEW REACT PROJECT – Lightbox Gallery

    I added a React Lightbox Gallery to the projects archive. It is my first attempt at an independent React project. Lightbox Gallery Features Landing page with welcome text. Presentation page with image gallery and categorized navigation. Images expand to a detail view when clicked. The initial setup for this React project is minimally featured due to a […]

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  • THEME UPDATE – Web Cave 1.1.0

    New year, new WordPress theme: introducing Web Cave 1.1.0. Readability The problem with having an ironic web theme that’s intentionally bad is that.. it’s bad. The original custom WordPress theme for this site sucks and I’m tired of looking at it. Web Cave 1.1.0 is a readability revision that maintains the “3edgy haxor” feel of […]

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  • BUG FIX – Game Picker Filtered Listing

    Before the holiday I noticed that the game listing in the Game Picker 9000 didn’t clear on submission. If the user performed a submission with the box unchecked, then checked the box and submitted again, the result would have both played and unplayed games in the listing. In order for the filter to work properly, […]

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  • UPDATE – CSS Spinners and Loaders

    I added some new CSS spinners and other loading effects to the CSS Animation Archive. I felt the loaders section in general could use a bit more fleshing out. Spinning loaders are an obligatory CSS effect so I had to throw a couple in there. CSS Spinners I added two spinners. The first is the […]

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  • UPDATE – Halloween CSS Effects

    Say hello to “Shiver”, a Halloween CSS effect that is definitely not ripped from a popular cult cinema streaming service. I added it to the the CSS Animation Archive project in the spirit of the season. Simple Halloween CSS Boyfriend and I have been pounding Giallo films on Shudder for the past two weeks, and […]

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  • UPDATE – Game Picker UX Enhancement

    I’ve furthered the UX enhancement to the Game Picker 9000. First I centered the loader and positioned it below the title output container. Previously it was jammed on top with no padding. If you searched more than once, the loader popped in awkwardly. The new alignment is more pleasing. I also added the player’s username […]

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  • UPDATE – Game Picker Playtime Filter

    Pursuant to my co-workers’ feedback, I added a playtime filter to the Game Picker 9000. Now the Game Picker can ignore games you’ve played already. Additionally, the Game Picker now prints the total playtime of each game in the main listing. Playtime Filter Implementation The Game Picker 9000 uses the GetOwnedGames method within the Steam […]

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  • UPDATE – Linear Gradient Animation

    I’ve added a linear gradient to the rainbow animation in the CSS Animation Archive. The previous rendition was too plain. By happenstance, I came across this video by Kevin Powell, and it inspired the revision. The gradient pattern looks swankier than the plain text color fade, but it comes with a problem. Linear Gradient Won’t […]

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