WordPress Custom Theme

A de-branded version of this site’s WordPress custom theme is now available on GitHub. You too can be a late 90s edgelord with the Web Cave theme!
WordPress Custom Theme Features
The Web Cave theme features standard post, page, and comment functionality with custom navigation. In addition, I added a projects post type that emphasizes the featured image. Project posts have their own special archive that displays as an image grid rather than a standard post loop.
The theme is not 1:1 with my site. The first difference is that I removed the crypto donation section from the footer. My personal site features some minor Advanced Custom Fields integration on the backend, and I removed that to avoid having to include ACF as a plugin dependency. I wanted the theme to work out of the box without any revisions to the theme files so that a even lay user could jump right in.
Dev Notes
I used underscores as the base when developing this WordPress theme. It’s pretty lean and you can automatically find/replace your own custom theme title by fiddling with the advanced options. Because Web Cave is based on a starter, I had to do away with some extraneous scripts, but there are a couple that I left commented out in the functions.php. Custom logo and custom background are in there, but they need to be called in the theme files where desired once they’ve been un-commented.